Weekly(ish) Notes 09: 17/05/22
It's been a while since I last posted a weekly note, which is annoying for a couple of reasons, 1. I enjoy writing them, and 2: they aren't weekly notes ...
It's been a while since I last posted a weekly note, which is annoying for a couple of reasons, 1. I enjoy writing them, and 2: they aren't weekly notes ...
The past couple of weeks have been pretty busy for various reasons, usually on sundays, so I've gone a couple of weeks now without posting anything much recently. Despite that, ...
It's still Sunday (just), and as it's gone 23:00, it's probably for the best that I'm not drinking coffee this late in the evening. As I'm trying to stick with ...
It's sunday afternoon again, however I'm sat in a Nottingham branch of Caffè Nero this week, trying to kill some time before I wander up to Rock City for a ...
It's been a few weeks since I last posted, for which there are a number of reasons, from a mixture of forgetting, being too busy elsewhere, or just not having ...
It's Sunday evening again, however this time I'm staying in a hotel room in London, and currently drinking a small bottle of red wine. Here's my weekly note recap for ...
It's Sunday afternoon again, and I'm sat in my office with a cup of coffee I made myself this time (flat white with beans from More Coffee Co. if you're ...
It's been a couple of weeks since I posted purely about IndiePass, and the current status of the new app.
Firstly, I had hoped to have an update for Android ...
It's Sunday afternoon, and I'm currently sat downstairs in a Caffè Nero making use of their free Wi-Fi for a change of scene. In what will hopefully become a habit ...
I have been making good progress with getting the frontend of the app built, and have more or less completed the basic scaffold of the app. Next step ...