
IndieWeb Movie Club

During last week’s HWC Europe/London, there was a decent chat about the films people have or haven’t watched and sharing film recommendations between us all. Film suggestions and recommendations are ...


Resetting IndiePass

As it currently stands the status of the various bits of IndiePass look something like this:

  • IndiePass for Android was last updated 2023-05-01, and without an update being published ...

Week Notes: 2024-04-28

The main theme for me in the past week has seemingly been "bug fixes and performance improvements", as I've spent more time going to the gym than I have for ...


Getting back into blogging

First things first, I'll get the traditional "I've not blogged in a while" bit out the way: It's been a while since I last wrote a post on here, for ...


Forgetting to Post

I will often fall out of the habit of posting anything for weeks or maybe months at a time and will make sporadically post a variant of a weekly note ...

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