It's Sunday afternoon again, and I'm sat in my office with a cup of coffee I made myself this time (flat white with beans from More Coffee Co. if you're interested). Here's my weekly note recap for this week:


After finding a couple of issues on the repo for the desktop client that I'd missed, I've given the current electron app a bit of TLC, and have gone through it to update the app name and internal references to IndiePass. As I am focusing on Android and iOS initially for the flutter based version of IndiePass, the desktop client, flawed though it is, will be sticking around for a bit longer, so it seemed right to give a bit of a touch up. I'll be releasing an update for it later in the week, and thanks to @binyamin and @Cambridgeport90 for their feedback.

I also posted a more rambling overall update on IndiePass yesterday which you can find here:


Although I'm probably not going to spend too much time on this project until I have launched IndiePass, I did spend some time doing a couple of tests and experiments using the health plugin for flutter that allows you to fetch data from Apple Healthkit and Google Fit. The intention is to enable straight forward posting of things like daily step counts, and runs/cycles etc. as you would do to something like Strava, only using Micropub instead.

Along with the regular fiddling and tweaking, I haven't really done much of any significance to my site this week.


It's been another fairly quiet week all things considered, I still seem to be getting multiple nosebleeds, which if that could hurry and stop I’d greatly appreciate it.

Gaming wise, the Hitman trilogy was added to Game Pass this week, I’ve played various incarnations of Hitman over the years, usually on PC, however as I'm yet to play Hitman 3 and have only played Hitman 1 & 2 on PC, I'm going to start working my way through each of the campaigns on XBOX.

On saturday afternoon I attended the Analog Meets Online IndieWebCamp Virtual Popup, for which I'll post a link to the recording of if anyone's interested once it's been uploaded.

