During last week’s HWC Europe/London, there was a decent chat about the films people have or haven’t watched and sharing film recommendations between us all. Film suggestions and recommendations are a common theme in the IndieWeb chat, so hopefully there’ll be some new and varied reccomendations from the IndieWeb community.

Out of this chat, spawned the idea of having an IndieWeb Movie Club, working in a similar fashion to the highly successful IndieWeb Carnival, where someone selects a film each month, and invites others to reply with their thoughts & opinions on that month’s movie. Followed by a round-up post by that month’s curator.

I've added a page to the IndieWeb Wiki https://indieweb.org/indieweb-movie-club to serve as a central location for past, present and hopefully future picks, and much like the IndieWeb carnival, folk are invited to take a film of their choosing for upcoming months.

Quick Note on selections: While there is no need to just pick mainstream blockbusters or the entire MCU for a monthly pick, I would suggest aiming picks that at a BBFC rating of 15 or equivalent (which I believe is somewhere between PG-13 and R rated but could be wrong). I would also recommend sharing the Letterboxd listing for that pick to aid people in finding where that month’s picked can be viewed in their region on streaming services.

I’ll be posting the first pick for August as a separate post to ease curation, but safe to say it’s a well-known film that I expect most in the community will be familiar with.

Update: August's movie choice can be found here: https://marksuth.dev/posts/2024/08/indieweb-movie-club-august-2024-the-matrix-1999

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