The inaugural pick for IndieWeb Movie Club is a somewhat easy option, The Matrix (1999).

As described yesterday, IndieWeb Movie Club is a way to share thoughts and opinions on a different movie each month, with a different host each month selecting a movie of their choosing. all the info can be found here:

The Matrix has recently celebrated it's 25th Anniversary in the form of a 4k remaster and shown in cinemas, which is where I have recently seen it. Even though I assume many in the community will have seen The Matrix is some form or another, I'm interested to see what people's opinions are of it watching it 25 years after it's release.

My thoughts

I intially didn't watch The Matrix until a few years after it's initial release, due in part to having friends that were very into the film, which somewhat put me off watching it for sometime, however once the proliferation of bullet time effects and full length pleather coats had died down, I did eventually watch it and wasn't as blown away with it as I thought I would be.

Watching it in 2024 however, visually the film still very much holds up, however overall it just felt somewhat dated, more so than many other films from the same era, such as Fight Club. I think this is due in part to the film heavily leaning on tech of the day being futuristic, e.g. Nokia 8100s.

That said, it'd be great to see what everyone else thinks of The Matrix, whether it's your first time watching, or hundreth time. To take part, reply to this post via webmention, or send me an email with your thoughts and I will collate everything into a roundup post at the end of the month.

Happy viewing!

Useful info

BBFC Rating: 15 MPAA Rating: R

Letterboxd listing:

Posted to IndieNews