The main theme for me in the past week has seemingly been "bug fixes and performance improvements", as I've spent more time going to the gym than I have for years, sorted various things out and gotten back in the habit of using cherrypick to do my meal planning.

Following on from discussions at recent HWC events, and also the Frontend Study Hall event run by Joe Crawford, I've done a bunch of work overhauling the css and markup for my site, moving away from Bootstrap for everything to using a mix of cssgrid and flexbox which I've never really used to its full advantage on projects so far. Getting the bit everyone sees reworked is only part of the project, as this site also has an admin panel that also needs reworking in the same way.

I've also imported more data from elsewhere, and have requested an export of my complete Spotify data, which I need to think of a managable way to import, seeing as wot I've apparently had this account since March 2009.

Running etc.

I've not taken part in any races or events since about 2018, through a mix of either having other commitments, feeling unwell, or a global pandemic cancelling everything for about 2 years. I have however signed up for 2 events, the first one in just over 2 months time. To accomplish this, I've got myself a training plan and hopefully won't keel over in the meantime.

Cheers, Mark