November’s IndieWeb Movie Club pick was All Against All (2019) by Sara, and was the first of hopefully many non-English language films to be selected.

I often attend the mystery film night at my local cinema where you don’t know what the film will be until it starts, and given I was completely unfamiliar with this film, I approached it in the same manner and simply trusted Sara’s judgement on film pick, for which I was right to do so.

The film itself focuses around an upcoming election and the extent the incumbent mayor goes to in order to maintain his position of power and the resultant consequences of those actions.

Overall the film is worth watching, and while some parts feel a bit un-natural or tacked on, there are a few moments where there could’ve been more of a focus on the core story or a more realistic reaction to events. It didn’t impact my enjoyment of the film, but it did definitely feel like I was watching a daytime TV crime drama like Midsomer Murders at points compared to a noir-esque crime drama.

With all that said, I will be hosting December’s Movie Club for which I have picked It’s a Wonderful Life (1947), and will be posting about it shortly.