It's been a couple of weeks since I posted purely about IndiePass, and the current status of the new app.

Firstly, I had hoped to have an update for Android released by now that had renamed everything to IndiePass, however renaming the app triggered the app being manually reviewed, and the update subsequently rejected. I know what the cause of this is, but requires some time and effort to get everything lined up so the name update will be accepted by Google Play. As for the iOS version, I will need to wait until the new version is done, and it’ll be released as a brand new app to the store.

As for the new version, after a couple of dead-ends and false starts, I have now settled on using Flutter to build the new version of the app, and am currently working to get the app's UI complete soon (IRL commitments permitting).

Progress has been somewhat slower than I had realistically hoped due to other commitments taking priority, but I've now got time to concentrate some effort in to properly progressing things.

To help with the clean start, and to reflect the new unified codebase, the project can be found in a new repo: where I am currently breaking down everything into small tickets to help myself keep on track as much as anything.

In addition to help untangle things and map everything out properly, I have started on writing detailed documentation on how do each post type, and how to use the app. Once complete this will hopefully prove a useful resource.

